Are you ready to take the Certified Mission Critical Operator (CMCO) or Certified Mission Critical Professional (CMCP) certification exam?  Follow these steps to schedule your exam at a remote location or at a Pearson VUE testing center of your choice.

Step 1.   Purchase a Certification Voucher

In order to take the certification exam, you need to purchase a voucher.  Visit the product pages for the Certification Store to purchase a voucher.  You can choose one of the available bundle packages for a discounted price that consist of a single-use exam voucher with either another exam voucher for one retake, and/or an e-book (for CMCP only).

Discounts are available for purchasing in bulk.  If you have questions, please contact us.

Following your purchase, you will receive an email with information to use when registering as a candidate.

Step 2.   Register as a Candidate

Visit to initiate and complete your registration.

Complete a short demographic survey.

Review and electronically sign the security and confidentiality agreement regarding the assessment content of the Certified Mission Critical Operator (CMCO) and Certified Mission Critical Professional (CMCP) certification exams.

Step 3.   Schedule an Exam (Online or In Person)

In-Person Exams: 

  • The CMCO and CMCP certification exams are offered at over 5,000 Pearson VUE testing centers around the world.  After completing the registration process, you will be directed to the Pearson VUE website to schedule your exam at the date, time, and testing center of your choice.

Online Exams:

  • OnVUE, the online testing platform powered by Pearson VUE, is a remote exam proctoring service that provides a secure and user-friendly way to complete your CMCO or CMCP exam.  After completing your registration as indicated above in Step 2, you will be directed to the Pearson OnVUE website to schedule your exam at the date and time of your choice from any private location that is available to you.
  • The CMCP and CMCP certification exams are offered in North America, Europe and Asia through OnVUE.


Review Exam and Testing Guidelines

It is recommended that you review the general exam and testing requirements for in-person testing or online testing prior to taking either of the certification exam.

Do You Have Questions About Scheduling Your Exam?

If you would like to learn more about scheduling your exam, reach out to us and a member of the leadership team will contact you.

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